miercuri, 10 ianuarie 2018

The strongest prayer against charms !

"Lord, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Creator and Chivernisitorul of all, Holy and glorious are you, King of kingdoms, and Lord of lords, glory to you. You who dwell in the unspoiled and unapproachable light of my humble prayer, the humble and unworthy of Your servant, cast away the demons, and extinguish their cunning from your servants, and overflow the rain at all times over all the earth, and give it his fruits, the trees and the vineyards to give their full benefit, the women to be loosed and released from the birth of the womb, these and everyone being loosed first, unleashing all the building of all diabolical ties.
And he unleashes Your name (s) together with all his house, all the bonds of Satan, magic, charms and opposing powers. Thou hast forbidden thee, O Lord, the God of our fathers, all the work of Satan, Thou that hast thrown out of magic, and of charms, and of spirits, and of all works, and of all his ties, and destroys all wicked work by the remembrance of Your Most Holy Name.
Thus, Lord, Master of all, hear me unworthy, and unleash Your servant, all the bonds of Satan, and whether He is bound in heaven or on earth, or with the skin of animals that are not good, or with iron or with stone or with wood, or with writing, or with blood of man, or of birds, or of fish, or of uncleanness, or otherwise turned against him, or elsewhere came from the sea from the fountains, from the graves, or from any other place, or if it came through nails of man, of animal or of bird's claws, or by snakes (alive or dead), or through the land of the dead, or if it came through the piercing of needles, forsake them forever, O Lord, with Your great power.

Thou, O Jehovah our God, knowest and know all, unleash, tear, and destroy now the works of magic, and thy servant (name), keep all the house of his house with all the devilish devices. Crush all the opposing forces with the mark of honor and the life of your Cross. Destroys, destroys, and permanently distances the work of magic, witchcraft and charm from Your servant (name).

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